July 10, 2010

You don't get harmony when everybody sings the same note.
- Doug Floyd

Woke up with the Moody Blues singing over my shoulder, casting a grey pallor on everything. The day is overcast and quiet. I need a haircut, feel like a crazy, dreadlocked Yeti. Gross. Been flirting with the idea of getting a Brazilian Blowout or something similar to tame my fucking frizz. I don't know if a haircut would solve my problems, but it has already been three months since my last haircut (I remember asking her when I could come back to get more highlights and she said three months from now, which would be July).

The dude situation is just blargh. I feel like I'm hanging out with him because I have no one better to hang out with, but maybe I would have someone better if I weren't hanging out with a loser all the time? Loser is kind of harsh, he's not, he's just incredibly flaky and I can't deal with a lot of flaky in my life.

I had a headache and I literally smoked it away.

Last night's dinner was yum yum. Delicious Indian food the likes I have not had even in authentic Indian restaurants. Hung out with a couple of interesting, hungover people. Went home at midnight after four beers, passed out nicely on clean sheets, sleep enveloping me.

I fucking hate this posting. I am in such a great moment in my life right now and I am complaining about a little melancholy that I can't even pin point where it surged from, what situation set it off.

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